
10 November, 2011

Market Day Cute Embroidered Gnomes

I am rather becoming obsessed with embroidery at the moment. A passion that has been developing for a while. And like all hand-sewing, I'm loving the meditative quality of it.
I created these sweet little gnomes recently for our School Cafe Market Day.

This summery surf dude,
was a favourite at the market.
 I must find time to make more.
They were So Very Sweet!

I've joined in with Natural Suburbia's Creative Friday.
Why not pop on by to see what other creative folk
have been up to this week


  1. They are so cute, love them!!!!Beautiful embroidery too.

  2. They are so gorgeous. I love them! The embroidery really makes them special and unique.

  3. so flippin' cute! I love the bumble bee!!

  4. Great job! Love the embroidery work! I know what you mean about hand sewing and embroidery being meditative- I love working with my felt and embroidery floss! :)

  5. By chance do you have an Etsy store for selling these? So cute!

  6. Adorable! The embroidery is so very sweet!

  7. Your embroidered gnomes are gorgeous!! Thank you so much for linking to Creative Friday:)

  8. Goodness! Thank you so much to each of you. It is just wonderful to pop on to my comments tab and see such a response!

    I plan to make more of these wee folk, Michelle. They were so much fun and my ideas abound! I also plan to open an etsy store. I would love that to be sooner rather than later...
    If you have something specific in mind though, please email me at and I'll see what we can muddle out together


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment ♥
To contact me directly, please email me at HinterlandMama (!AT)gmail(DOT)com