
12 November, 2011

Washing my face with Honey

For over a month I have been washing my face with ONLY honey. Raw, unfiltered, local Honey.
It's crystalised a little in the pot recently, so I get the bonus of exfoliation.

I was inspired to try this, after visiting a friend's home and seeing honey in her bathroom. I thought 'How unusual'... 
She mentioned that the link to more info was on her blog, so I went there: Guildmaker
And I am loving it! 

I feel great about what is headed down my drain. I feel great about supporting a local business. I feel great in the mornings and evenings, when I scoop that delectable little sweet  sticky drop of ooziness onto my fingers ~ it smells wonderful! 
And yes, my skin does feel and look great too! 

My boys partake on occasion, although, I'm not sure whether all of the honey makes it past their mouths...
Do you have any more super healthy, super natural, beautifying tips to share?
I would love to know them!

1 comment:

  1. Het Aleta!
    Have you heard of Jojoba oil? That stuff is amazing! it's made from a tree sap and has the same chemical make up as our skin serum so it doesn't clog the pores and balences out your face. And you can use it on everything too, great conditioner!
    Love Hannah V. :)


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