
08 November, 2011

♥ Love Heart Swap Parcel!!! ♥

My parcel from America arrived!
 ...While I was still in my jammies...

Here is the parcel I sent
to Regina of and baby makes four...
> A needle felted Toadstool Home
> A locally made green tree frog (I LOVE them!)
> An amber teething necklace for her almost,
newest addition to their family
and > a small book about the Sunshine Coast,
where we live.
 Look at the treasure trove within Regina's parcel!
* 3 gorgeous hand-stitched notebooks
* Oyster shells (I'm sure we'll come up with
a few ideas on how to use these)
* Locally made, recycled timber bookmarks
* A leaflet full of local info about Beacon, NY, USA
and * A drawstring bag!

Oh Boy!

 Inside these sweet notebooks ~ note the love heart pencil holder

And just look at this fabric! Just perfect for me. LOVE the pattern. LOVE the colours!

Regina, thank you so VERY much. Your package was completely worth the wait. Something for each of us to treasure, forever.

And thank you Linda, again, for hosting the Sending Love Heart Swap. It has been such an enormous pleasure to be part of.



  1. what a wonderful thing to be involved in....I would really love it...maybe after Christmas when things quieten down...♥

  2. What beautiful gifts, absolutely gorgeous!! Thanks so much for taking part. If you have a chance, please would you add your photos to the Natural Suburbia Flickr Group.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment ♥
To contact me directly, please email me at HinterlandMama (!AT)gmail(DOT)com