My button tin was sorted on a rainy January day.
This came in rather handy when I decided to attempt a Button Doll.
I've never seen one, I just remember reading about them somewhere,
some time ago.
I remembered the basic premise and thought I'd give it a go!
Interestingly, every item I used is either pre-loved or a scrap, which is nice.
Reminiscent of a time when Button Dolls were popular, I would think.
* small Wooden beads from op-shop necklaces.
* large head bead, several given to me amongst other leftover crafty bits
* buttons gifted one Christmas many moons ago (I was so excited to receive my own button tin!) by my step-Mum (including some from her Mum).
If I've added to it, they've been buttons removed from repurposed items.
* thread; lengths left over from a hand~sewing project (truly!)
A triangular gnomes hat, with a faceless, Waldorf~esque looking head.
That's our thing these days though.
And then Mr Turtle used his new art box to draw a face!
Not so Steiner...
Here, the rainbow button doll is riding his rainbow horse. Of course!
I wonder how this photo would have turned out if Mr Turtle was wearing his much loved rainbow pants.
ღ ♥ ღ
Labels: Beading, Craft, Creative