Knitted Rainbow Horse

This is Arthur. Yes Arthur the rainbow horse.
His predecessor was a brown horse (the first animal I ever knitted and whom has been loved into oblivion over the last 3 years). A plain brown horse eloquently named 'Galloper'.

I can't begin to imagine how my son's mind works!

From this wonderful book ~ Knitted animals by Anne-Dorthe Grigaff

I found some exceedingly pretty pastel rainbow wool.
Bought at the 'treasure house' of my eldest's new school.
I love that my boys are so interested in the craft I do!
I try to involve and encourage them.
I'm excited about the day they'll be so proud of themselves for
finally making their own first stitch!
This wool was just so lovely to work with.
Each stitch a different shade.

Just look at those colours!
Our body finished, now to sew, stuff..
...and those cute little ears

& In time for Christmas.

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