
11 October, 2011

Clay Play ~Air dry clay with kids

This is a fun activity to really get dirty with, but only if you want to!

 This 2kg pack cost me around A$6 from a discount store.

 The boys modelled the clay. Dabbing their hands in water if it was something they wanted to join together (like the limbs on Mr Turtle's person).
It was a bit like modelling our playdough, but with thick mud!

 We set them in the sun to dry.

 Then the boys painted each piece, ever so carefully. Leaving them to dry again. Then the pieces were placed to display on the Nature Table along with our other treasures. 

A beautiful, crafty friend has told me we can go to the Cooroy Butter Factory to have pieces glazed and fired if we make anything we really want to keep forever. Perhaps something to keep in mind for the future?
For now, this was all about crafting for fun. A together activity. Learning about our earth and how we can interact with her. Who knows where knowledge like this may lead us in our coming years?


  1. such a great activity also for building up fine motor skill muscles!

  2. I always had clay around the house when my kids were littler ones....they loved it. We still have creations lying around the place....cute photos xox Jo

  3. I only ever played clay at school when I was younger. And I LOVED it!
    Now I can see the benefits from a different angle. I am very grateful to be able to let my boys enjoy the experience too.


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