Best Ever Pumpkin Soup

The rain is pouring down outside.
The requests all around were for S.O.U.P!
We went to Yandina Farmer's Market yesterday and are all stocked up on Winter veg.
 So, Pumpkin Soup went onto our table.

All hands helped.
All mouths did devour.
And tonight's pumpkin soup was deemed the 'Best Ever'...

... so I thought I'd best share the recipe here.

Best Ever Pumpkin Soup
Ghee/olive oil
2 med onions
2 large cloves garlic
1 med potato
1/3 pumpkin
Bay leaf
1/2t turmeric 
1 tspn stock powder/ paste
1t paprika
2t honey

Chop all vegetables and dice the garlic.
Fry the onion, garlic, potato, pumpkin and the bay leaf, in a med-large pan over a low heat with the oil, until the onion is translucent. Move around often to avoid the garlic burning or potato sticking to the pan.
Pour boiling water into the pan, to about half cover the vegetables. Stir in the stock.
Add the turmeric and place a lid over the pan. Cook over med heat until vegetables are soft.

Once cooked add paprika and honey. Blend until smooth.

It's lovely served with sour cream, natural yoghurt or fresh coriander.
Although tonight, we enjoyed it all on it's own.

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