Wet Felted Free form Bowl

I have always wanted to make some Wet-felted bowls. To hold little treasures, around our home.
I haven't wet-felted in a while, but was inspired to when the boys were making their mice recently.
As usual, I went ahead without reading any 'how to's' first, so please give me any obvious hints and tips, in the comments! 

I wanted to use this gorgeous purple Nepalese fleece for the interior. So I placed it, around my ceramic bowl, first.

 I blended some gorgeous Summery colours together (that worked with the purple fleece layer) and laid these carefully, at varying angles, over the first layer.

I then carefully created friction by pressing with soap and hot water until the loose fleece began to come together and felt.

 I then placed netting between my ceramic bowl and my pre-felted bowl. And worked quite roughly, to shrink the inside and outside together, especially around what would be the base of my bowl. I tried to work in a horizontal motion, circular, around the bowl - to draw it inwards. Rather than vertically, which would shorten the sides.

I could have trimmed the top edges, to make it look more uniform. And then felted those raw edges again to finish the piece. However, I like the free form look it has taken on. Truly an individual piece of work. And perhaps representative of waves. 
It is Summer after all!

Little Pipkin tipped out the crystals I was using. Having a whole other preference instead, for this bowl's use. (Incidently, it was also He who painted the gorgeous watercolour I've used for the photograph background)

I feel confident that I can try some bigger bowls now. Perhaps around a balloon? We'll see.

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