Peek FREE User Testing for my websites

I was recently told about PEEK User Testing
What is it?

PEEK - is a free service (at the moment) where an impartial Real person 
will look and review their first impressions of your website 
in a quick 5 minute video - for FREE!
They offer their comments about the first
impression they get of your site, the look of it and layout, 
how easy it is to navigate and use and then a final
evaluation of your site overall and whether they would revisit.
This comes to you fairly soon after you apply, in a voice over video
(Mine arrived in 4 hours).

I have so far had both my etsy store and my blog appraised.
I found it really interesting to hear the perspectives of people that had no previous knowledge of me, my work, nor the worlds of blogging or etsy. 

I completely recommend you give it a go. 

You're permitted to re-submit the same website up to 3 times per month. 
Fantastic in my opinion, because you are sure to get a different reviewer 
(and therefore perspective) each time. 
AND you can make tweaks and then see how those changes are viewed.
That's only a win I think!

For your own FREE Peek test,
Click Here
This is my own opinion. I am not affiliated with in any way. 
