Revamping our 'new' retro style, high velocity fan

I bought this fan at a garage sale fairly recently.

It was in dire need of some love and attention.

Little Pipkin and I unscrewed everything apart, that we could, and cleaned them all down. First with a small brush. 
Next with vinegar and water and a soft cloth. 
Then with steel wool to remove the surface rust. 
And finally I used a fine sandpaper all over the exposed surfaces, to help the paint to adhere.

Mr. Turtle bound all of the pieces that were black and didn't need to be rust proofed and repainted.
(I neatened up the edges & any gaps)

Then, with children watching from the decking above, I sparingly and gently sprayed every exposed surface I could find. I was so determined to do it perfectly, it may have taken me longer than it would most people!
The fellow at the hardware store, helpfully recommended I use a rust proofing spray paint. We found one in chrome.

 And now, Voilà!
My first ever upcycled piece of home-ware. I think I may have the bug now.
I just love it. I really feel like I (we) achieved so much.
We did this together. We saved money. We upcycled someone's trash into our own treasure. It looks funky and is functional. 

Just in time for the humid weather that is upon us now, already in October. 
What do you think?


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