
07 October, 2011

Latest Op shop/Thrift store visit

 This is always the kind of thing I want to find when I go op shopping!

 An old Bushell's jar full of someone's once loved cotton collection...for A$2

 And of course, to find somewhere to display them all...
 until My Man makes me the timber wall hanging stand I've been Hinting at for a few months or so now...

...This will do nicely.

 My children go in and out of phases, liking space or sea creatures or some other theme. But dinosaur obsession has not yet wavered. So when I spotted these (a stack for A$3.50) I snapped them up. And they are being completely adored and appreciated!

Within the stack was a book on drawing dinosaurs! Perhaps a little advanced for my particular 3 and 5 year olds just now, but I'm sure this will become invaluable, in the years to come.

 A treat for me! Two of these gorgeous saucers. I just love the colours and the spiral.

I'm sure I'll find a use for these soon enough. How I wish I had the time and patience to create these myself! One day, one day... For now though, I'm grateful someone else did.


  1. Oh, now thats a nice haul!! Kids, and small boys in particular seem to have a fascination with dinosaurs, don't they?
    Love those about dying them and using them around a skirt? or on a sheer curtain? or make a bag with multi coloured doilies? The possibilities are endless - I love 'em!!

  2. What a great score....I love the cottons and the dollies. Op shopping is sooo much fun ♥

  3. What great finds! I love, love the thrift store!! A couple weeks ago, I found a massive pile of embroidery floss, and since I've been crafting kids stuff made out of felt, it was a perfect find. They charged me only $10 for all of it, and there was 140 brand new packs in it, all good brands. It would have cost me anywhere between 70 and 140 dollars for all that at the store.

    I love all your spools by the way. So colourful and very inspiring!

  4. I love finding thread at thrift stores as well. I especially love the old wooden spools - lovely!

  5. good day at the shop! I passed on a pile of doilies once, thinking, What would I do with them? Now I'm wishing I had bought them. I would like to make a bunting. That would be fun.
    cheers... must go explore your blog some more. Lovely place this is.

  6. Thank you for the ideas for the doilies. The possibilities are endless aren't they? They were such a terrific find.
    The threads too. I read recently never to sew with old thread as the quality deteriorates over time. But I think I am in love with them because of their age and therefore history!


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