
19 September, 2011

Our Seasonal Nature Table ~ Spring

 Our Spring setting of our Season's Tree and Seasonal Nature Table has arrived.

 As we're in the absolute middle of Moving House at the moment, I was a little tempted to wait until we were relocated, before setting up for Spring.
However, as I took down the Winter Season's Tree, Mr Turtle asked for "flowers or leaves or something" and set to work. 
I didn't hear from him until he was finished half an hour later. 
The little silk ribbon roses look sweet don't they?
Sprouted Wheatgrass
 I had also sprouted wheatgrass to add to our table this year. 
It's in full bloom now and the boys pick at it all day long. They love the taste of the raw blades.

Knitted Duck post here
Knitted Chickens & little chick
Miss Spring post here
Peacock feathers collected from Nanny's garden.
Lovely Spring colours!
 What is on your Spring Table?


  1. Your Spring table is so beautiful!! We have also just put ours up yesterday. It is up on our blog.
    Have a lovely week,

  2. Thank you Linda! I'm off to see yours now ღ

  3. Those little roses are a clever idea and look very springy on the bare branches. No nature table here as we have no room but I am hanging on to all the ideas for when we finally extend!! x x

  4. your nature table looks great, I love your knitted animals

  5. Thank you Evi - A basket or dish in the centre of the dinner table can be enough space for our little ones to bring a little of the outside season, inside, for us to all reflect upon. You can make your own additions too. Small is great too!

    Welcome Karen. Thank you. I find knitted animals so rewarding to make. Fairly quick and simple patterns. Past posts under the knitting heading will lead you to some great book references!


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To contact me directly, please email me at HinterlandMama (!AT)gmail(DOT)com