My boys like nothing more than physical activity.
It is rare to see them sitting still and when they're not,
they're climbing, jumping, rolling, banging about, wrestling...
I can't blame them, on these warmer days, motivation To Do~ wells up within us all.
Admittedly, it all gets too much for this Mama at times!
But I had an inspiration last night, for a nicely balanced, nature-based activity.
Whilst reading Amanda Blake Soule (with Stephen Soule)'s newest book to treasure:
Mr Turtle began by gently tapping and perhaps,
got the best results: see below. |
Little Pipkin was more heavy handed, and had a ball! |
Including herbs into the mix, gave a
scent element to the activity . |
Such a gorgeous card and special project.
My boys were outside gathering and sharing.
Then inside, again sharing the single hammer
(until one of them thought to get the rolling pin!) .
They had a wonderful time and also produced another arty item to be proud of.
The Soule family are truly an inspiring bunch, are they not?
I guess they do have 5 children and live close to nature without many of the modern day distractions many of us have.
They were bound to think of creative ways to be!
Labels: Book Reference, Craft, Inspirational, Little Finger Activity, Waldorf