
10 August, 2011

The Boys make Paper Planes with Dad

I was happy to let the boys all play together today. 
I took some photos in between knitting (and smiling).

My man has had his folding technique stored away in his brain since childhood, so he folded these far too quickly to photograph. So instead, please click on this link to Alex's wonderful site with  videos on paper airplane folding!

Dad demonstrates from above.

Our boys practice.

Dad demonstrates again, from below.

I think we have it!

That smile speaks a thousand words, doesn't it?



  1. Paper aeroplanes never go out of fashion, all my kids have loved playing with these! Saw you on linky party, now google friend following you. Please pop by and I would love it if you could follow me too, Karima x

  2. Hiya mama! I have posted a yummy ginger bikkie recipe - just for you!

    Funny thing about paper planes - the kids are never too old to fold and fly them. Even my older boys will still join in with the youngest and have a little 'flying comp'. And then theres the colouring-in that goes with it...... FUN!!

  3. Karima ~ Love your work! Thanks for your comments.

    Evi ~ !!! You rock, thanks So Much! And Yes, My Man still remembers how to fold them. I agree, these boys are NEVER too old ;)


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