Wool tops & a template copied from the Creative Felt book (traced & cut out onto bendable and re-usable foam) |
I wrapped the wool around the template and Little Pipkin helped to do 'the most funnest' part. Hot water, Organic soap and lots of rubbing. |
As the tops began felting together. |
Soap bubbles squeezed out |
A tiny slit made with scissors. You can see the red foam template inside. It is so pliable, it comes out easily through the small hole. |
A little more hot water, soap and rubbing around the opening, made a smooth peep hole. With wool stuffing, the felt became a wee bundled baby. A few simple stitches of thread completed him. |
His (well played with) Winter Family gathered around the new arrival. |
Labels: All things Felt, Book Reference, Craft, Creative, Gnomes, How to...Tutorial, Little Finger Activity, Our Nature Table, Waldorf, Wet Felting