
26 July, 2011

Currently Crafting ~ July

I keep wandering into my craft room/office each day, into my bedroom and into our lounge room. In each of these rooms I have baskets of unfinished (objects) projects. 
Yes, UFO's as they're sometimes referred to!

There's so many new things I want to try exactly as I think of them, or I see a new pattern, or  I become inspired by someone else's idea.

I thought I'd share a couple of photos of items I have been working on finishing, over the last week or so.

Knitted Horse 1
Knitted Horse 2
Another wee doll to gift,
inspired by Anna Bradford
Crochet spiral treasure bag
I have finished some of these!
One for each Season..., in the order:
Spring, Autumn, Winter, Summer

 Do you have UFO's floating around your home?
What have you been working on lately?


  1. I certainly do! I am the queen of starting a new project ..... and starting a new project ..... and ....... you get the picture! And every now and again I finish a few and wonder why I didn't make the effort to do it ages ago!!! There are just so many lovely items to make though, aren't there?

  2. Your rainbow horses are beautiful and your gnomes are gorgeous!

  3. Oh Evi! My sentiments EXACTLY.
    Spot on, Every word!

  4. Goodness Linda - aka 'knitter extaordinaire'. Quite a compliment, thank you! ♥

  5. Love those knitted horses. Do you have a pattern to share?

  6. Hi Ellen!
    I'm afraid that this pattern isn't mine to share, although I have adapted it just a little (the body longer, the nose tapered). See this link for further details of my first completed rainbow horse

    Linda at Mamma4Earth (etsy) sells a US$5 pattern of a horse too:

    Thanks for your interest! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment ♥
To contact me directly, please email me at HinterlandMama (!AT)gmail(DOT)com