Children Planting a garden

 I LOVE that my boys want to garden.
Especially to sow & nurture edible plants.

This is a pot we planted together a week or so ago.
Tomatoes, Basil & Lentils

Today they asked if they could 'have some seeds, to make a garden?'
SURE! said I.
So, those seeds to hand were the sprouting mix I've mentioned before, here.

My boys got themselves prepared with tools.
We dug down into the compost heap to find this rich earthy soil.

 Note the box being used as the carrying device ~
So Many Uses!

And that is where Mama's help ceased & my independent little guys took over.

I became the observer with the camera.  
Quite impressed at their teamwork & abilities.

Now, looking at this little nook the boys discovered & turned into a garden
(between the raised roots of a tree).
~ I do believe it might just be the perfect site for
the much talked about new faerie garden.

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